Learning Library from Estonia hosted its second digital hub meeting on May 17, 2024, gathering 16 participants to explore the concept of youth participation. Through interactive activities and discussions, attendees delved into Roger Hart’s Ladder of Participation and examined the Estonian election system, paving the way for future engagements and initiatives.
The second topic-based meeting of digital hub hosted by Learning Library in Estonia took place on 17th of May 2024, in duration of 120 minutes. In total 16 participants were present, out of which 13 female and 3 male participants.
At the very beginning of the meeting, we prepared short energiser and getting to know each other exercise as we had new participants joining regular meetings of the digital hub. Then, participants got a task to brainstorm what does “youth participation” means for them, by using Word Cloud Generator option in Mentimeter. After discussing their inputs, participants then got introduced to Roger Hart’s Ladder of participation with description of each of the 8 steps. Then, they shared real-life examples when they were part of different youth-led initiatives and tried to recall how much they were actually involved in the decision-making processes, and trying to put those examples in the rungs on the ladder.
In the last part of the meeting, participants got introduced to the upcoming European Elections. Together we analysed election system in Estonia and possibilities for voting online (as one of the rarest countries in the whole Europe). At the end, participants shared their feedback on the meeting and together we made plans for the upcoming meetings and activities inside the digital hub, as well as face-to-face LTTA in June taking place in North Macedonia.