Pilot workshops by Learning Library

Pilot workshops by Learning Library

In September 2024, as part of the EYT project “Do You Know Your Democracy?”, Learning Library conducted a pilot workshop with youth leaders to gather feedback and finalize the handbook titled “Democracy: Its Importance and Our Local Communities as Democratic Societies.”


This handbook was initially developed in June during an international training session in Struga, North Macedonia. It comprises of ten educational workshops covering topics such as the meaning of democracy, utopian versus real-world democracy, grassroots activism, democratic values, building democratic communities, civic engagement on democratic issues, the significance of democracy, and the role of young people in fostering more democratic societies.


After all partner organisations complete their pilot workshops, the final version of the handbook is scheduled for publication in October 2024.


Keep an eye on the project website, to stay up to date with the news on this project

Youth Hub Empowers Malmö’s Young Adults to Connect with Democracy and Community

Youth Hub Empowers Malmö’s Young Adults to Connect with Democracy and Community

The recent Youth Hub at Boost by FC Rosengård on August 27, 2024, brought together young adults from Malmö to explore democracy in new and meaningful ways. Organised by Wellbeing Lab as part of the “Do You Know YOUR DEMOCRACY?” project, this workshop focused on helping participants reflect on their role within a democratic society and in their own communities.


Through a series of engaging activities, the workshop encouraged participants to connect with democratic principles on both personal and societal levels. The day began with a guided meditation accompanied by rosemary essential oil, inviting participants to centre themselves and imagine democracy as a value they can embody daily. This unique approach to democracy resonated with participants, many of whom were experiencing meditation and reflective practices for the first time.


The session included discussions on topics such as embracing diverse perspectives, cancel culture, and the importance of listening to differing opinions—a key aspect of healthy democratic societies. An inspirational talk on following one’s passions and exploring Erasmus+ opportunities sparked curiosity about studying abroad and pursuing careers connected to community and democratic engagement.


Each participant received a “Malmö Heart” poster as a memento and a reflective writing assignment to take home, encouraging them to think about what democracy and community mean in their lives. The Youth Hub received positive feedback, with participants expressing interest in future sessions, reflecting the workshop’s success in fostering a supportive and engaging space for young adults to connect with democratic ideals and envision their role in Malmö’s community.

Global perspectives of democracy – August 2024 update from Estonia

Global perspectives of democracy – August 2024 update from Estonia

The meeting began by reminding on the results of the previous meeting and additionally exploring the backbone of Estonia’s governance – its political structure. Using an engaging mix of visuals and interactive discussions, the participants navigated the country’s branches of government: the executive, legislative, and judicial. They explored Estonia’s parliamentary system, examining the role of the Riigikogu (parliament) and the presidency. The group was particularly intrigued by Estonia’s digital voting system, which led to an interesting conversation about technology in governance and the future of electoral systems worldwide.


Next, the focus shifted to how democracy takes shape in everyday life. Participants brainstormed key indicators of democracy, such as voter participation, freedom of the press, and civil liberties. One participant highlighted Estonia’s high internet penetration as a tool for promoting freedom of information, while another pointed out the challenges of ensuring equitable access to such resources. The discussions became personal when participants shared stories about what democracy meant to them, creating different perspectives that deepened everyone’s understanding of democratic pluralism.


The final segment brought a contemporary lens to Estonia’s democracy. Participants worked in small groups to analyse recent news articles and reports, uncovering updates on the country’s democratic processes. Topics ranged from the increasing role of youth in politics to Estonia’s stance on global democratic issues. This segment inspired participants to think critically about how current events shape the broader democratic landscape. This meeting wasn’t just a deep dive into Estonia’s democracy but it was a journey into the heart of what it means to live in and contribute to a democratic society.

How Estonian political system functions: July 2024 update from Digital Hub Estonia

How Estonian political system functions: July 2024 update from Digital Hub Estonia

On July 16, 2024, Learning Library from Estonia hosted its third digital hub meeting, engaging 19 participants in a deep dive into the Estonian political system. The session covered the structure of government, electoral processes, and the innovative concepts of E-Government and E-Democracy, culminating in discussions on local community involvement and online voting.



The third topic-based meeting of digital hub hosted by Learning Library in Estonia took place on 16th of July 2024, in duration of 120 minutes. In total 19 participants were present, out of wich 11 female and 8 male participants.


The topic of the meeting was understanding the Estonian political system. In the first part of the meeting, participants had a chance to explore overview of the Estonia’s government structure, learn more about electoral processes in Estonia, explore functions and roles of municipalities in Estonia. After the short break, participants learned and discussed about E-Government and E-Democracy in Estonia and voting online. In the last part of the meeting, participants discussed and shared their previous involvement in decisions-making processes at different levels and got practical information about possibilities to get more active in their local community.

Call for participants: TC on disinformation, media and manipulation with media

Call for participants: TC on disinformation, media and manipulation with media

Call for participants: “Disinformation, media and manipulation with media in democratic societies and how to stay democratic in these times”


04-14 October 2024 | Avrillé-les-Ponceaux, France


Consortium of partner organisations is looking for 30 participants from participating countries to join the international training course on the project “Do you know your DEMOCRACY?“ in Avrillé-les-Ponceaux, France from 04th to 14th October 2024.


DATES: 04 – 14 October 2024

LOCATION: Avrillé-les-Ponceaux, France

PARTICIPANTS: 6 per country

COUNTRIES: North Macedonia – Croatia – Sweden – France – Estonia


This mobility will be focused on raising competences of the youth leaders in topics of disinformation and its connection to democracy, media literacy, media manipulations and how to recognise them. Youth leaders will learn the definitions of these terms, explore examples of good practice and give suggestions and recommendations to experts for developing a Handbook on these topics with concrete 10 workshops that youth leaders can implement in their local communities for youngsters, especially NEET and youth facing economic difficulties.


The working language of the event will be English.


Profile of participants:


  • Young individuals aged 18+ residing in partner organizations’ countries.
  • Possess at least a communicative level of English language, enabling them to actively engage in preparatory meetings, the training course, and subsequent activities.
  • Motivated to work on the development of their personal and professional competencies in an international setting (communication, teamwork, problem-solving, conflict management, facilitation, and presentation).
  • Exhibit a strong interest in the central theme of the project: democracy, active citizenship, civic engagement
  • Be motivated to participate in a mix-intercultural learning environment, and to contribute to successful project implementation


Travel and accommodation:


Travel and all related costs will be fully covered by the organisers. Accommodation is also covered by organisers, 3 meals per day and coffee breaks.

Activity is implemented as part of the project “Do you know YOUR DEMOCRACY?”. To learn more about the project click here.

Implemented LTTA: Democracy, Its Importance, and Our Local Communities as Democratic Societies

Implemented LTTA: Democracy, Its Importance, and Our Local Communities as Democratic Societies

From June 14th to 24th, 2024, youth leaders, educators and youngsters from 5 countries participated in the training course “Democracy, Its Importance, and Our Local Communities as Democratic Societies.” Activity took place in Struga, North Macedonia, and brought together 30 participants from North Macedonia, France, Sweden, Estonia, Croatia. Event was organized as part of the ongoing EYT project, “Do You Know Your Democracy?”.

During these ten days, participants delved into critical issues facing Europe today, such as shrinking civic space, rising populism, and the spread of fake news related to democracy. They also had the opportunity to explore local initiatives and positive practices from North Macedonia and other participating countries. The training course utilized non-formal learning methodologies, allowing youth leaders to share their experiences and expertise. This approach facilitated a dynamic and engaging learning environment, promoting active participation and exchange of ideas.

This activity was implemented as part of the “Do You Know Your Democracy?” project, an innovative educational initiative aimed at enhancing civic knowledge and engagement. Through this project, we strive to empower individuals by providing accessible, comprehensive, and engaging resources about democratic systems, processes, and values.

Utopia and Reality: Young Leaders Hub workshop in Croatia

Utopia and Reality: Young Leaders Hub workshop in Croatia

On July 9, 2024, as part of the Young Leaders Hub Croatia, Carousel8 held the workshop “Democracy in Utopia vs. Democracy in Reality” to encourage young people to imagine their ideal society, understand different types of democracy, and promote collective learning and creativity.


After discussing various types and structures of democracy, participants imagined their ideal society and put their ideas on paper. 


We discussed different examples of conflicts in communities, how an ideal society would resolve these conflicts, how inclusive the imagined society would be for everyone, and the importance of civic engagement in the community.


With many interesting ideas, we had a great time as well!

News from the hub in Croatia: Informative workshop on Solidarity Projects

News from the hub in Croatia: Informative workshop on Solidarity Projects

On June 11th 2024., as part of the Young Leaders Hub Croatia, Carousel8 held an informative workshop on Solidarity Projects! 


Our group learned about what solidarity projects are, their main characteristics and goals, and who can apply to implement them. 


Through interactive exercises, we explored two important concepts: non-formal learning and solidarity. We also learned how to submit various solidarity actions and initiatives and how to initiate positive changes by independently managing EU-funded projects. 


Want to learn more about Solidarity Projects? Visit www.europskesnagesolidarnosti.hr for all the information! 

Youth Council Next Generation Hub

Youth Council Next Generation Hub

About the partner organisation


The Youth Council Next Generation is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation committed to empowering young individuals through self-directed activities. We offer platforms for youth to discover innovative and captivating endeavors. Our volunteer-led team champions youth activism and initiatives promoting self-expression, with a focus on nurturing personal growth, skill development, creativity, and global collaboration.


Our overarching objectives are:

  • Inclusively engaging young people facing barriers or limited opportunities.
  • Facilitating avenues for youth to broaden their horizons and acquire fresh experiences.
  • Advancing intercultural understanding and fostering connections among diverse communities.


Our organisation focuses on engaging youth, shaping inclusive policies, fostering community, and addressing environmental challenges like climate change.

  • Engaging Young People: We involve youth in all our activities, ensuring their voices are heard and valued through workshops, forums, and creative projects.
  • Crafting Youth Policies: We advocate for inclusive policies that prioritize equity and collaboration with policymakers to address the unique needs of young people.
  • Fostering Inclusivity Among Youth: We create supportive environments where all young people feel respected, promoting acceptance and understanding through awareness campaigns and peer support networks.
  • Tackling Environmental Concerns: We integrate environmental education and sustainability practices, encouraging eco-friendly behaviors and advocating for systemic change to address climate change.



Youth Council Next Generation

Association la Generation de Demain Hub

Association la Generation de Demain Hub

About the partner organisation


La Generation de Demain is a non-profit, Non-Governmental Organization established in 2020 in Bordeaux, France.

Through our initiatives, we aim to implement various projects involving international youth exchanges to raise awareness about the future and to make it better.


The Association is committed to sharing principles and values that are of great importance in everyday life, fostering a serene and harmonious coexistence.


Our primary objectives include raising environmental awareness among the younger generation, strengthening global solidarity, promoting the human benefits of volunteering, advancing informal education, combating social isolation, and teaching the effective use of social networks for societal benefit. We also aim to enhance cultural openness, language skills, and intercultural interaction by engaging with people from diverse nationalities, fostering a love for sharing and mutual respect.


We are a young, dynamic team dedicated to helping each individual become the best version of themselves and to offering this planet the care it deserves. By doing so, every individual will be able to thrive and grow from this experience while contributing positively to the world around them.